Executive Board

The Executive Board shall recommend and carry out the policies of the Association. The Executive Board shall consist of the President of the Association, both Certified and Educational Support Personnel Vice Presidents, both Certified and Educational Support Personnel Secretaries, the Treasurer, and the elected Chairperson of the Professional Negotiations Committee, one member elected by the membership to represent the following groups, Early Childhood, Primary Buildings, Intermediate Buildings, Middle School, High School, and one member from employees not assigned to an education center, one member representing Early Career Educators, one representing Educational Support Personnel, and Ethnic Minority.

The Executive Board shall conduct and supervise the business of the organization, annually approve a budget, undertake such expenditures as are necessary and reasonable for the operation of the organization, consent to the appointment of Committees, plan and recommend programs to the membership, develop Bylaws, approve expenditures, and consent to the filling of vacancies. The Executive Board shall call upon the IEA Director of Business Services to conduct a financial review or audit should they determine circumstances warrant such.


Bobby Rickman – President

Jay Jackson – Certified Vice President

Lisa Embrey – ESP Vice President

Amber Sims – Certified Secretary

Lori Davis – ESP Secretary

Kylee Allen – Treasurer

Bridget Perkins – Early Childhood Representative

Jodi Lynn – Primary Schools Representative

Jason Chapman – Intermediate Schools Representative

Jamie Crider – Middle School Representative

Nathan Bruns – High School Representative

Ann Norman – Admin Center/Horace Mann/Maintenance Representative 

Jessica Carlisle – Early Career Educator Representative

Efrem Evans – Educational Support Personnel Representative

Jami Gibbs – Ethnic Minority Representative