Building Representative Nomination and Elections

With the start of a new school year, we are preparing for Building Representative Elections on Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Elections will be held via electronic ballot if there are more individuals nominated than open positions.

The Building Representative is the most critical position for the strength of our union. There are two important roles for all representatives; keeping their building informed about all news and being a liaison to the AEA Executive Board.

Building Representative serve on the AEA Representative Council, which consist of the officers, locally elected region council members and building representatives. After being elected, additional training will be provided to all representatives. The Representative Council will meet at least five times during the school year. Those meetings will take place after school, some of those will be held electronically, others will be in person if necessary. Attendance at Representative Council meetings are an expectations for all Building Representatives.

If you have additional questions please contact Bob Rickman at

IEA Representative School Training (you will need to create a login to the Member Portal to access training, if you do not have your member number email

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