AEA Election Results 2024

The AEA Election for Officers, Executive Board, Professional Negotiations Committee, and Region Council was held Wednesday, March 20, 2024 and here are the results. A link is at the bottom to show actual voting results.
President – Bobby Rickman – High School
Certified Vice President – Jay Jackson, Jr. – Middle School
Educational Support Professional Vice President – Lisa Embrey – East
Certified Secretary – Amber Sims – Early Childhood Center
Educational Support Professional Secretary – Lori Davis – Mark Twain
Treasurer (2 year term) – Kylee Allen – West

Executive Board
Early Childhood Representative – Bridget Perkins – Early Childhood Center
Primary Representative – Jodi Lynn – Lovejoy
Intermediate Representative – Jason Chapman – North
Middle School Representative – Jamie Crider – Middle School
High School Representative – Nathan Bruns – High School
District Office/Maintenance Representative – Ann Norman – Horace Mann
Early Career Educator Representative – Jessica Carlisle – High School
Educational Support Professional Representative – Efrem Evans – Middle School
Ethnic Minority Representative – Jami Gibbs – Eunice Smith

Professional Negotiations Committee (3 year term – 2024 – 2027)
Jacob Jarvis – Middle School
Jay Jackson, Jr. – Middle School
Rob Kaiser – Middle School
Lisa Embrey – East
Chris Petrea – Middle School

Region Council
Chantel Irving – East
Jamie Crider – Middle School
Amber D. Sims – Gilson Brown
Ray Greenberg – Eunice Smith
Nathan Bruns – High School
Jessica Carlisle – High School
Jodi Lynn – Lovejoy

Nomination for Building Representative deadline is Tuesday, April 23rd and the election will be held Monday, April 30th if necessary.

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