Amber Sims wins IEA Early Educator Teacher of the Year

Amber Sims was recognized by the Illinois Education Association as the Bob Haisman Teacher of the Year in Rosemont on March 9th. The award goes to an Early Career Educator recognized for their involvement in the IEA and their excellence in the classroom. Sims is pictured with IEA Vice President Al Llorens, President Kathi Griffin, and Secretary-Treasurer Tom Tully.

Prior to becoming a pre-k teacher. Amber Sims was a paraprofessional in a classroom for students with autism. Amber enhances the image of “new teacher” by showing us that the title is not solely reserved for 22-year-olds. Anyone can become a new educator at any point in life-and having new educators with varying backgrounds and work experiences can only bring value to the classroom.

Amber joined the IEA Virtual Coaching and Mentoring Program as a mentee and continues to participate in this program today. This year, she joined the IEA Early Career Committee and encouraged fellow local members to join her at the 2022 Fall Aspiring Educator and Early Career Conference. As the Early Career Region Representative for Region 6, she always looks for opportunities to grow. She attended the Ethnic Minority and Emerging Leadership Training (EMELT) last fall to enhance her knowledge about the association, and this year, she is proud to attend the 2023 IEA RA as a first-time delegate. 

Amber is a role model to other Early Career Educators, showing them you can be involved in the association, even as a nontenured teacher. She advocates for educators in the southern art of the state and brings new perspectives and ideas to any meeting that she attends. The IEA is stronger because of her work to recruit other Early Career Educators in her area and help them get involved.

Amber is a fearless advocate for public education and for our union.

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