April 2023 Alton CUSD #11 School Board Election
The Alton CUSD # 11 has four openings on the school board that will be elected on the April ballot. The
Alton CUSD #11 Board of Education is comprised of five (5) congressional townships. No more than 3
individuals, from any one township, can hold a board seat.
The current board of education members with terms remaining are the following:
Dustin Christner – Alton Township
Edmond Gray – Foster Township
Barry Macias – Godfrey Township
There is a board of education opening with a two (2) year term remaining. One person is running for the
Christina Milien – Foster Township
Additionally, there are three (3) seats to be filled. The candidates for the three seats that will be elected
for a full (four-year) term are as follows:
Vivian Monckton – Alton Township
Jarvis Swope – Alton Township
Alfred (Al) Womack, Jr. – Alton Township
Beverly Velloff – Alton Township
David Fritz – Godfrey Township
David Lauschke – Godfrey Township
Voters may vote for up to three candidates on the ballot, regardless of congressional township, but no
more than two can be elected from either Alton or Godfrey since there are already incumbents sitting in
seats for those two townships. Therefore, the top three candidates with the most votes could all be
from Alton, but only the top two would be elected, thus leaving one seat to be filled from Godfrey.
Likewise, if the two candidates from Godfrey receive the most votes overall, it would then only leave
one seat for Alton (individual from Alton Township with the highest votes) since only 3 seats total are
available this election for a four-year term.

Candidate Information
Candidate information is provided below by clicking on each candidate’s name and viewing their questionnaire.
Filling remaining 2-year term
Filling 4-year full term
No more than two candidates can be elected from any congressional township.